When Jason first started working in Portsmouth NH we traveled a good amount to various tattoo conventions, both to work at and just to attend and have a good time. Along the way we made some great friends and made many great memories. When he bought the shop he slowed down the convention circuit, mostly choosing to stick close to home. When his mom became sick, conventions and traveling for anything tattoo related stopped completely.
Fast forward to last summer. With money he inherited from his mom's estate, he built the shop of his dreams...our second location, Congress St. Tattoo. Over the past few years, he's hired a great group of tattoo artists who we consider our family. We had the beautiful new second shop, an amazing crew of artists that made sure our shops ran smooth but one thing was missing...it was time to start attending tattoo conventions again. Jason missed meeting new people and being surrounded by the art he loves so much.
Last August he was asked to attend the Hollywood tattoo convention and after much prodding we convinced him to go. He had a great time and got to hang out with friends he rarely gets to see. Move on to October, Scott Bramble invites him to work at the tattoo convention in Philly being held on the USS Olympia.
Here's a picture of Scott working on the boat...

This June he was lucky enough to once again share a convention booth Scott Bramble. Scott invited him to work at the Toronto Tattoo Convention with him. It was our first time out of the country for work or play. We absolutely fell in love with Canada and can't wait to go back. It was a busy convention filled to the brim with the nicest people you'll meet.
Scott and Jason working side by side at the Toronto convention:

The one convention we always try to do is the Live Free or Die tattoo convention that takes place each July in downtown Manchester NH. It is a fun and busy show and we always enjoy working at it. This year Tony, Jason, and Beth all worked at the show with our nephew Spencer as our floor person. It was Tony's first time working a tattoo convention (long overdue!) and Beth's first time attending a convention with us since she joined the Hobo's family. The five of us had a great time and there is only one picture I can think to post that will show just how happy we were...I'll let Tony show you:

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words!
Jason and I have two more conventions coming up this year. Labor day weekend we will be heading down to Boston for the Boston Tattoo Convention. It's been a few years since Jason has worked at this show so we are looking forward to it. Joining Jason at this 4 day show will be Tony on Friday and Saturday and Beth on Sunday and Monday. Tony and Jason will both have prints available for sale and all three are hoping to have new paintings for sale as well.
The following week Jason and I will be exploring a bit more of Canada as we head up to Montreal for the Montreal tattoo convention. We are completely thrilled that Jason was able to get a half-booth at this convention as it's someplace we've wanted to visit and it's another road trip! Who doesn't love a good road trip.